As a USER EXPERIENCE (UX) designer, I am highly empathic & curious. I am focused on creating and collaborating on functional and delightful, research-based user experiences. I'm passionate about creating for the people who use the products, and really allow the research and data I get about and from the user to guide my creative approach and all design decisions.
The differences and similarities between Art and Design fascinate me. Long before I considered myself a Designer, I was an Artist (ever since I learned to hold a crayon). I'm an Interdisciplinary Artist, primarily using drawing, painting, textile, installation, and digital art as my mediums. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Studio Art from San Francisco State University.
I also received a minor in Asian American Studies from the College of Ethnic Studies, which both demonstrates and informs my passion for community activism, equity, and social justice. From there, I completed a UX/UI BootCamp at UC Berkeley Extension, and an immersive UX Design program with the non-profit organization QTBIPOC Design.
My diverse academic and professional background and wide-ranging experience include customer service, administration, entrepreneurship, marketing, writing, social media management, leadership, makeup artistry, fabrication, and curation. I am a member of the Interaction Design Foundation, an entity that provides me with a continuing Design education and a global network of fellow Designers. Currently, I am a Barista at Philz Coffee.
I'm a San Francisco native and am living in San Ramon, California. Other interests of mine are TV & fil. In my free time, I enjoy reading, learning French on Duolingo, and playing the ukulele.
My Design Process

Agile / Scrum - Art Direction & Branding - Frontend Development (HTML / CSS / JavaScript)
Information Architecture - Rapid Design Iteration - Responsive Web Design - Storyboarding
User Research - User Flows - UX Strategy - UX Writing - Usability Tests - Visual Design - Wireframing
Adobe Creative Suite - AdobeXD - Asana - Figma - Google Product Suite
InVision - Powerpoint - Miro - Quip - Slack -Trello - Webflow - Zeplin
" Frances actively engages design problems and leads with positivity.
She builds a vision for product development
and with this momentum she inspires precise action.
Let there be no doubt that Frances
will stand as a driving force on any design team. "
- Gavin Fiorina, UX Designer and UX/UI Design Instructor, UC Berkeley Extension